Saturday, June 23, 2018

Full Time Missionaries

I’m a chemical engineer, and I love my job. So, when the morning of Friday, May 18th, came around, I was nervous. This was the day I put in my 2 week notice of my resignation at my job. Ascend was my first chemical engineering job out of college. A job that was full of people I respect, care for, and had learned from over the past 4 years. They have been extremely supportive in helping me to expand my knowledge, learn new skills, and positively influence others in the company. And when hardships struck outside of work, whether it be the death of my father or my esophageal surgery, they were always understanding and supportive. But this was different, because now I was leaving the company. I was so nervous that my colleagues wouldn’t be as supportive this time when work wasn’t my top priority, or they just wouldn’t understand why this work in Thailand means so much to me. I will always remember the shocked look on my boss’ face when I handed him my notice that morning.
Over those last 2 weeks at Ascend, the word spread, and it wasn’t long until the whole plant knew. At first, people were just surprised that I was leaving Ascend, but then they were even more surprised to learn I was leaving Chemical Engineering altogether and that we’d be moving to Thailand to work with Blessing Home. People from all over the plant reached out to me and I was able to share with them about the ministry. People even took cards and signed up for the blog! The amount of support and interest was overwhelming!
On my last day, they had a big lunch for me and I was able to share for a few minutes about peace and freedom Jesus brings the Thai people and why Allie and I are leaving everything to be a part of it. They also presented me with a framed picture of the plant signed by everyone I worked with, and everyone pitched in donations for the ministry. You see, one of our most immediate needs was to get 2 one-way plane tickets to Thailand, and they don’t come cheap! Well, they were able to raise enough support to cover both plane tickets, and more!
I proudly and excitedly want to share with you all that we will officially be leaving for Thailand, just 2 suit cases each, on August 21, 2018! Praise the Lord!
So now, when people ask me what I do, I no longer say chemical engineer, I can now say, “I’m a full time missionary!”

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